Tournament Results Carolinas Coastal River Trail Mar 16, 2019

The next and last CCR Qualifier is April 20 at Bucksport! Please keep in mind we dropped the double points for the last Qualifier in 2019. You will receive normal points!

Also don’t forget the 2019 CATT Phantom Outdoors Invitational!


Presented by Phantom Outdoors Tournament Grade Fishing Apparel!

Bucksport Marina, Waccamaw River

July 27th

$5,000.00 1st Place

$200 Entry Fee

Qualify by Entering 1 CATT Event! (Finals Included)

Darren Williamson & Charles Freyer weighed in 16.58 lbs t win the CCR #3 Qualifier! They also weighed in the 2nd BF at 7.50 lbs!

2nd Place 14.27 lbs and 1st BF 7.87 lbs Ronald Cannon Joey McClain

3rd Tim Williamson & James Walters 11.66 lbs!

4th went to Kyle Johnson 11.26 lbs!

Big Total Total
20 Teams Fish Weight Winnings Points
Charles Fryer – Darren Williamson 7.50 16.58 $910.00 110
Ronald Cannon – Joey McClain 7.87 14.27 $415.00 109
Tim Williamson – James Walters 0.00 11.66 $125.00 108
Kyle Johnson 0.00 11.26 $100.00 107
Jonathan Kelley – Robbie Boyd 0.00 10.98 106
Chris Blanchette – Caleb Hartley 0.00 10.30 105
Britt Brown – Tim Barfield 0.00 9.68 104
Kaleb Gerald – Wesley Williamson 0.00 8.96 103
Ray Inman – Jennifer Floyd 0.00 8.68 102
Travis Gatlin – Grant Powell 0.00 8.14 101
Don Mclaud 0.00 7.63 100
Bradley Thompkins – Jackie Barfield 0.00 7.61 99
Jesse Hopkins – Corey Singleton 0.00 7.51 98
Casey Leach – Charlene Leach 0.00 7.36 97
Jessie Strickland – Jordan Gibson 0.00 6.81 96
Hunter Harwell – Ashton Harwell 0.00 6.23 95
Greg Benton – Logan Benton 0.00 6.23 94
Gary Pope – Mark Johnson 0.00 3.06 93
Ron Terwilliger – Sonya Terwilliger 0.00 0.00 92
Grayson Brewster – Joquese Moss 0.00 0.00 92
Total Entrys $1,600.00
BONUS $ $350.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,550.00
CCR 2019 Spring Final Fund $320.00
2019 CATT Championship Fund $50.00
2019  CCR Spring Final Fund Total $920.00
2019 CATT Championship Fund Total $3,650.00