Tournament Results Lake Gaston, NC June 28, 2020

Next Lake Gaston CATT is August 1st at Summit Landing!

Anytime you fish a 23 boat field and win $1,644.00 I would say that’s a great day on the water! Chuck Murray & Randy Groves weighed in 15.53 lbs to take 1st place at Lake Gaston! 

Top weights were tight and measured by less than ounces…

  • 2nd place Danny Wicker and Doug Washburn…15.17lbs
  • 3rd Greg Fernandez & John Letusick …15.06 after DF penalty
  • 4th Tyler Dix ……13.68lbs….
  • Honorable mention at 5th…Alan Mitchell & Billy Patrick…13.47lbs…

Everyone did a good job at waiting for key fobs for weigh in, this allowed for Spacing and kept a steady flow of bags at the scales…

Thanks to everyone for doing their best to social distance and take care of our beautiful resource….

*** pay attention to Facebook and the CATT website as we plan to add on a make up Friday event sometime in JULY** …

Should have permit this week… STAY TUNED…

23 Teams BF Weight Winnings Points
Chuck Murray – Randy Groves 4.60 15.53 $1,644.00 110
Danny Wicker- Doug Washburn 3.62 15.17 $765.00 109
Greg Fernandez- John Letusick 3.50 15.06 $370.00 108
Tyler Dix 4.44 13.68 $241.00 107
Alan Mitchell- Billy Patrick 3.18 13.47 106
Ron McMillian- Damian Nicholson 3.31 12.48 105
Jt Palmore – Bobby Crisman 0.00 11.95 104
Keith Joyce- Mark Roberson 0.00 11.75 103
Chris Bishop- Wesley Bennett 0.00 11.37 102
Adam Richardson- Gene Richardson 3.12 10.44 101
Scott Griffin- Jay Allen 0.00 10.43 100
Jay Wright 0.00 10.41 99
Shane Doughtie 0.00 10.25 98
Ivan Morris- Janet Morris 0.00 9.79 97
Scott Golden- Jessie Medlin 0.00 9.66 96
Garrison Vick – Abigail Leonard 3.79 8.67 95
Lee Allred- Eric Massey 0.00 8.57 94
Bobby Peeden- TJ Myrick 3.85 6.09 93
Greg Krop- Dave Fowler 0.00 0.00 92
David Collins- Jacob Falhauer 0.00 0.00 92
Clay Ausley – Ken McNeil 0.00 0.00 92
Brandon Hendricks- Kenny Miller 0.00 0.00 92
Josh Lanaville- Timmy Davis 0.00 0.00 92
Total Entrys $2,760.00
BONUS $ $800.00
Total Paid At Ramp $3,020.00
Gaston 2020 Final Fund $320.00
2020 CATT Championship Fund $50.00
2020 Gaston Final Fund Total $320.00
2020 CATT Championships Fund Total $4,025.00