Tournament Results Lake Norman, NC Open July 18, 2020

Final results from the CATT tourney Saturday July 18th on Lake Norman.

We had 17 teams enter!

First place with a five fish bag weighing 15.45 LBS was Jeffrey Queen and KJ Queen who also won the side pot for a days earning of $675.00

Second place with five fish weighing 14.89 LBS was Preston Harris and Stanton Harris for winning of $185.00

Third place with five fish weighing 10.64 LBS was Jake Monti and Logan Anderson earning them $95.00

Big fish winner was TJ Tumpf weighing 4.69 LBS.

We are running it back this Saturday out of Pinnacle Landing. Safe light to 2 PM. Fish on!

Team BF Weight Winnings
Jeff Queen – KJ Queen 3.69 15.45 $675.00
Preston Harris – Stanton Harris 4.43 14.89 $185.00
Jake Monti – Logan Anderson 0.00 10.64 $95.00
TJ Rumpf 4.68 10.51 $85.00
Jason Eaker – Mike Seawright 3.35 9.44
Jason Scism – Tyler Hensley 3.43 8.64
Will Mitchell – Shane Sharp 2.11 8.36
Aaron Jordan 1.08 7.81