13 teams battled it out this past weekend down in Santee Cooper Country with Brett Mitchell & Jerry Montjoy coming out on top! They weighed in 5 bass at 19.67 lbs With the 2nd BF at 6.27 lbs and the BONUS $ they took home $669.00!


2nd went to Danny Shanz & Cole Drummond with 18.90 lbs and they took home $200.00!

1st BF went to Bunn Tyson & Thad Driggers with a 6.72 lb bass worth $91.00!

Next Santee CATT is June 23rd at John C!


Big Total Total
13 Teams Fish Weight Winnings Points
Brett Mitchell-Jerry Montjoy 6.27 19.67 $669.00 110
Cole Drummond-Danny Shanz 0 18.60 $200.00 109
Bunn Tyson-Thad Driggers 6.72 17.38 $91.00 108
Jamie Glasscock-Jim Smoak 0 15.55 107
David Benenhaley-Mike Cox 0 14.74 106
Brad Swartz-Bryan Miller 0 13.05 105
John Gardenhire-Johnny Player 0 11.85 104
Cody Brunson 0 11.32 103
Max Terry-Emmett McCauley 0 11.25 102
Dave Murdock-Steve Borton 0 10.26 101
Tim Hilton-Bucky Clarke 0 7.52 100
Chris Matthews-Grayson Cook 0 0.00 99
Jamie Partee-Donnie McCord 0 0.00 99
Total Entrys $1,040.00
BONUS $ $240.00
Total Paid At Ramp $960.00
Santee Cooper 2018 Summer Final Fund $300.00
2019 CATT Championship Fund $20.00
2018 Santee Cooper Summer Final Fund Total $300.00
2019 CATT Championship Fund Total $20.00