Tournament Results Savannah River Dec 29, 2018 The Morgans Take the 1st Qualifier!

Next Savannah River CATT is Jan 19 at Stokes Bluff!

We had to move this one to the Ogeechee River because of high water on the Savannah!

Ken & Chase Morgan take the win this past Saturday with 13.50 lbs!

2nd went to Ronald Welch with 12.06 lbs!

Big Total Total
12 Teams Fish Weight Winnings Points
Ken Morgan/Chase Morgan 6.23 13.50 $664.00 110
Ronald Welch 0.00 12.06 $180.00 109
Buddy Wheeler/Bubba Bowers 0.00 10.88 108
Christopher Chavis/NIck Hager 3.27 9.81 $36.00 107
Barry Descaro/Matt Cantrell 0.00 9.59 106
Tim Roundtree/Al Pittman 0.00 7.52 105
Dan Martin SR./Monte Misplay 0.00 7.31 104
Anthony Joyner/Buck Godbee 0.00 6.00 103
Joe Toth/Kyle Suddath 0.00 5.99 102
Dan Martin II/Eric Setto 0.00 5.06 101
Jeff Mullis/Rocky Mullis 0.00 4.15 100
Todd Hargrave/Scott Moody 0.00 2.17 99
Total Entrys $960.00
BONUS $ $220.00
Total Paid At Ramp $880.00
Savannah River 2018 Spring Final Fund $300.00
2018 CATT Championship Fund $0.00
2018 Savannah River Spring Final Fund Total $300.00
2018 CATT Championship Fund Total $2,440.00