Tournament Results Savannah River July 13, 2019 Gary Lee Fishing Solo Takes the Win! Next Savannah River CATT is August 10th at Hardeeville! Come join us!

Next Savannah River CATT is August 10th at Hardeeville! Come join us!

Gary Lee weighed in 5 bass at 13.17 lbs and took home $550.00!

2nd went to Richard Boatright & Michael Hurt with 12.92 lbs. They took home $660.00 with the BONUS $ added in!

3rd Place Clint Proudfoot & Cody Bryant 11.58 lbs!

Dan Martin & Monte Misplay 4th 11.17 lbs and 1st BF at 4.96 lbs!

2nd BF winners Troy Strickland & David Poe 4.74 lbs!

24 Teams BF Weight Winnings Points
Gary Lee 0.00 13.17 $550.00 110
Richard Boatright/Michael Hurt 0.00 12.92 $660.00 109
Clint Proudfoot/Cody Brant 0.00 11.58 $200.00 108
Dan Martin/Monte Misplay 4.96 11.17 $288.00 107
Wesley Mullins/Matt Cantrell 0.00 11.07 106
Troy Strickland/David Poe 4.74 10.26 $72.00 105
Victor Belagorska/Landen Caldwell 0.00 9.84 104
Colton Tuten/Mel Long 0.00 9.70 103
Jerry Hood/Ann Hood 0.00 9.04 102
Tim Roundtree/Al Pittman 0.00 8.72 101
Brian Gunn/Matthew Gunn 0.00 8.55 100
Christopher Chavis/Nick Hager 0.00 8.49 99
Adam Wood/Paul Johnson 0.00 8.29 98
Anthony Joyner/Barry Conley 0.00 8.12 97
Barry Thames 0.00 7.61 96
Joe Toth/Kyle Suddath 0.00 7.33 95
Frank Ackerman/Mike Markovich 0.00 6.98 94
Chris Farrow/Norman Chapman 0.00 6.93 93
Bradley Resente/Bradley Resente 0.00 5.92 92
Michael Powell 0.00 5.05 91
Patrick Findley/Corey Rewis 0.00 4.97 90
Tyler Wilson/Ryan Kent 0.00 3.57 89
Mac Sampey 0.00 3.01 88
Shawn Arnold/Chris Chance 0.00 0.00 87
Total Entrys $1,920.00
BONUS $ $360.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,770.00
Savannah River 2019 Summer Final Fund $460.00
2019 CATT Championship Fund $50.00
2019 Savannah River Summer Final Fund Total $750.00
2019 CATT Championship Fund Total $1,765.00