Tournament Results Wateree June 23, 2018

Next Wateree Summer CATT is this coming Saturday at Clearwater Cove Marina!

Membership $35 per person!

$80 entry – $90 at the ramp!

5:45 am to 2 pm!

Max Price takes the win! Max brought in 5 bass weighing 17.34 lbs and weighed in the 2nd BF at 4.89 lbs! Max took home $920.00!

2nd went to Chad Rabon & Walt Almond!

Jeff Reynolds weighed in the 1st BF at 5.31 lbs!

20 Teams Big
Team Fish Weight Winnings Points
Max Price    BONUS $ & 2nd BF 4.89 17.34 $920.00 110
Walt Almond – Chad Rabon 4.84 15.92 $275.00 109
Jimmy McFarland – Calvin Griggs 4.40 15.88 $125.00 108
Steve Phillips – Jason Bateman 3.13 15.17 $100.00 107
Matt Nettles – RB Blackmon 3.49 14.92 106
David F Canupp – David L Canupp 3.28 14.49 105
John Paul George – Jason Quinn 4.00 13.00 104
Jeffrey Furr – Todd Butler 3.15 12.52 103
Bucky Deberry – Mike King 2.84 11.72 102
Brad Petway – Brett Collins 2.80 10.78 101
Kirk Crump – Eric Dry 2.80 9.52 100
Alan Fletcher & Donald Fletcher 2.97 8.81 99
Gary Kirkbride – Ed Mathews 3.02 7.66 98
Tim Kelly 0.00 5.44 97
Jeff Reynolds 5.31 5.31 $140.00 96
Bob Weaver – Patti Weaver 0.00 4.03 95
Lewis Thompson – Greg Nettles 0.00 0.00 94
Mike Byrd – Clint Byrd 0.00 0.00 94
Chad Johnson 0.00 0.00 94
Johnny Allen – Scott Stallings 0.00 0.00 94
Total Entrys $1,520.00
BONUS $ $360.00
Total Paid At Ramp $1,560.00
Wateree 2018 Summer Final Fund $300.00
2018 CATT Championship Fund $20.00
2018 Wateree Summer Final Fund Total $1,745.00
2018 CATT Championship Fund Total $300.00