Wateree Open May 11, 2019 Craig & Tim Haven Whack Em! 19.42 lbs BF 5.63 lbs $1,299.00! Next Wateree Open May 25th! No Membership!

Next Wateree Open is May 25th! With the water level finally stable we see there is still plenty of  Water Willow or “grass” as most call it growing along the banks again! It’s in patches but there’s plenty of it! Hopefully the lake can not suffer anymore flooding this year and next Spring. If that happens the fishing will start improving. Yesterday the fishing was very good for just about all the teams. 22 of the 23 teams weighed in a limit which averaged 15.23 lbs per team and total weight was 335.22 lbs. The average BF was 4.01 lbs!

The team with the top weight was Tim & Craig Haven! They brought in 5 bass weighing 19.42 lbs and weighed the 1st BF as well. All total the Havens took home $1,299.00!


2nd Place went to Jason Bateman & Steve Phillips with 5 bass weighing 18.68 lbs!

3rd Ronnie & Jason McCoy 18.10 lbs!

4th Jerry Freezon 18.07 lbs!

Big Total Total
23 Teams Fish Weight Winnings Points
Craig Haven – Tim Haven 5.63 19.42 $1,299.00 110
Jason Bateman – Steve Phillips 5.06 18.68 $350.00 109
Jason McCoy – Ronnie McCoy 5.28 18.10 $266.00 108
Jerry Freezon 4.13 18.07 $144.00 107
Jeff Norris – Jacob Norris 4.28 17.68 106
Lee Royson – Jeff Reynolds 4.48 16.63 105
Alan Fletcher – Donald Hinson ** 3.67 16.47 104
Chad Rabon – Walt Almond 3.73 16.00 103
Max Price 4.49 15.95 102
Michael Richardson -Shane Cantley 4.00 15.84 101
Jonny Player – John Gardenhre 3.67 15.76 100
Chad Gainey – Todd Butler 4.01 15.54 99
Bobby Purvis 3.64 14.91 98
Scott Williams – Robbie English 4.28 14.56 97
Chris Wells -Woody Woodworth 3.44 14.51 96
Greg Atkinson – Anitra Atkinson 4.66 14.16 95
Brett Collins – Brad Petway 4.34 13.73 94
Rick Corn Sr – Rick Corn 3.49 13.66 93
David Canupp & David Canupp 3.82 13.44 92
Scott Floyd – Greg Corvin 2.75 12.58 91
Calvin Griggs – Jimmy McFarland 2.89 9.95 90
Walter Knotts – Wayne Cook 2.48 9.61 89
Mike Ellis – Mark Faircloth 0.00 0.00 88
Chris Sullivan 0.00 0.00 88
2019 Wateree Open Final Fund $450.00
2019 Wateree Open Final Fund Total $1,890.00
2019 Wateree Open Point Fund $675.00
**2018 Point Winners Free Entry
2019 Pt Winners Receive Free Entry 2019
Teams 2-6 In Points Receive $$