Tournament Results Tidewater Perquimans River, NC Sept 27, 2020

We had a great year on the CATT Tidewater Division! In 2019 we paid back $10,995.00 and in 2020 we paid back over $20,000.00! You want to see a big increase next year help us get the word out! Matt & Dawn Jennings are doing a great job with the Tidewater Division! The 2021 Tidewater schedule will be posted soon and we’re looking forward to it!

Thanks to our Tidewater sponsors! Blake Ford in Franklin Va and Motortech! Tap on their logos below and take a visit!

Now for the results! After a short fog delay the anglers were met with calm winds and overcast skies for most of the day. Initial reports were that fishing had been tough on the rivers. For some of the guys the rumors turned out to be true. As usual some of the guys figured them out. Topping the field with 19.22 lbs and taking home a $3000 payday was the team of David Buchanan and Brian Richardson. Coming in second with 16.93lbs and winning $1000 was Chris Turner and Travis Badgett. Third place was the team of Tom Foster and David Gardner with 15.72lbs and a $750 payday. Fourth place was Jeff Hayden and Benny Cannon with 15.60lbs and the lunker of the day weighing 7.53lbs resulting In a total $539 payday. Rounding out the payday was the team of Mike Chlomoudis and JA williford taking home $175. This wraps up the season for the Tidewater division this year. We want to thank everyone that came out and fished with us this year. We know you have choices when it comes to tournament trails and we appreciate you choosing to spend your time fishing our division! Don’t forget the CATT championship will be held on Kerr November 7-8

Brain Richardson & David Buchanon took home $3,000.00 with 5 bass weighing 19.22 lbs!

28 Teams BF Weight Winnings
Brian Richardson/ David Buchanon 7.26 19.22 $3,000.00
Chris Turner/ Travis Badgett 6.11 16.93 $1,000.00
Tom Foster/ David Gardner 6.65 15.72 $750.00
Jeff Hayden/ Benny Cannon
15.60 $539.00
Mike Chlomoudis/ JA Williford 0.00 14.59 $175.00
Richard Griswold/ Mike Watson 0.00 14.03
Keith Jennings/Jerry Murray 0.00 13.74
Mike Evans/ Brian Cooper 3.23 12.71
Jason Law/ Terry Lovelle 4.76 11.48
Ray Cobb/ Mark Moretz 0.00 10.81
David Shaffer/ Scott Shaffer 0.00 10.68
Jeremy Gatewood/ Jared Allbritten 3.64 10.68
Gary Debrito/ Derek Goodman 0.00 10.62 $100.00
Roy Acey/ Larry Barefoot 2.73 10.28
Joe Glazebrook/ Christopher Carmell 0.00 9.68
Ken Kipler/Shawn Dunlap 0.00 8.62
Ricky Mize/ Chris Mize 0.00 8.60
Brad Higginbotham/ Nate Barber 0.00 6.19
Michael Scott/ JP Scott 0.00 6.15
Ken Mathias/ Jim Leavis 0.00 6.00
Greg Dick/ Jim Dick 0.00 3.14
Mike Knapp/ Ben Knapp 0.00 0.00
Matt Greschak/ Dustin Alley
Steve Brickhouse/ James Williams 0.00 0.00
Stacey Light/ Paul Harris 0.00 0.00
Eric Rountree/ Josh Powell 0.00 0.00
Johnny Jones/ Brandon Overton 0.00 0.00
Ronnie Ketchum/ Benny Hendrix 0.00 0.00
Total Entrys $3,240.00
BONUS $ $500.00
2019 Tidewater Final Fund $1,690.00
Total Paid At Ramp $5,564.00
Total Paid 2019 Tidewater $2,070.00